Adam Applegate


About Me


Colorado, USA

Hello! My name is Adam and I love building things with software. I first started coding back in high school when I took a Computer Science course and I fell in love with the whole process. I've been coding ever since.

At this point in my career I have built desktop applications, microservices, SPA web apps, and more. I truly enjoy working on the backend of development- developing databases, building REST APIs, and and figuring out how all the pieces fit together (it's like a puzzle!). Despite favoring backend work, I'm flexible and work wherever I'm needed.

In my spare time I love working on personal projects, birdwatching, gardening, playing board games, and working on custom keyboards.


Here are some of the technologies and languages that I've worked with:

C# / .NET

Experience & Accomplishments

PDF Resume


Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

April 2018 - July 2022

Brigham Young University - Idaho | Rexburg, ID

Professional Experience

Software Engineer

May 2023 - Current

National General Insurance (Allstate) | Longmont, CO

Software Engineer Intern

April 2022 - November 2022

FamilySearch | Lehi, UT

  • Managed a critical production web app that handles up to 25M requests/hr, ensuring high uptime and availability
  • Increased test coverage by 25%, reducing production bugs and errors
  • Improved webservice performance by 10% by debugging and optimizing code
  • Designed and implemented numerous data-integrity focused features, improving user satisfaction and data integrity
  • Optimized database queries and connections, increasing app speed by 7%

Student Software Engineer

January 2022 - April 2022

BYU-I | Rexburg, ID

  • Designed and implemented features across the full tech stack, from the database to the frontend while ensuring quality, data integrity, and a smooth user experience
  • Collaborated with team of 5 using Agile, increasing productivity by 15% and reducing code defects by 25%

Volunteer Tutor

January 2022 - April 2022

BYU-I | Rexburg, ID

  • Tutored students in various programming languages and methodologies
  • Taught at the student's level and increased knowledge until they no longer needed tutoring

Some Things I've Built

Code Stock Photo

ML Image Gatherer

Python CLI Web Scraping Tool

Bird Identifier Home Page

Bird Identifier

C# Machine Learning Web App

Filter Free Demo

Filter Free

Python Image Filtering Desktop App



Colorado, USA

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